Baby Flash Cards!

4.6 ( 8906 ratings )
Håndbøger Uddannelse
1.99 USD

Now on sale for limited time! This app teaches over 200 words in English with audio / voice with beautiful flash cards!!

Great for a wide variety of children of 1 year to 8 years old and up.

Examples from more than 200 words:

again, ambulance, angel, apple, baby, banana, bathroom, birthday, blue, book, boy, camel, candy, cat, cereal, cheese, clothes, cold, cookie, cow, cry, dance, dirty, dog, dont have, dont like, dont want, drink, eat, excited, farm, feelings, finish, friend, fruit, game, thank you, happy, helicopter, help, how many, hungry, i love you, laugh, milk, more, movie, pear, play, please, rainbow, read, school, share, sleep, sorry, thirsty, toys, understand, want, warm, where, who, yes and MUCH MORE!



- 200+ English words with audio / voice

- Words from over 15 categories as follows:
>>> action / verb
>>> animals
>>> clothes
>>> colors
>>> events
>>> family
>>> feelings
>>> food
>>> number
>>> objects / general noun
>>> people
>>> places
>>> simple sentences, questions & answers
>>> sports
>>> transportation
>>> weather

- you will be able to navigate to find the letter/word/number alphabetically

- every word shown with audio / voice at a touch of a button, and you will be able to replay each audio easily in order to give oneself the opportunity to learn naturally

All words are presented with much visual aid to boost viewers receptive skills and enjoyable learning experience.

Keep on practicing and visit our website to view our products soon!


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